CM Video, leader and numbers.

There were a lot of rumours about what was going to happen at June’s CM in light of CM taking the Gardiner in May. The rumours ranged from the cops were coming to beat us with their clubs to no one would show. There was lots of negative worry, we have been reading about it for the last month.

I arrived at Bloor and Spadina to find a horde of bicycle officers with a paddy wagon at their beckon call, just like old times. Rumours were rampant that they would throw us all in jail. Some members of the public showed up just to stir things up further with their ramblings or is that called civic duty?

The rumours were put out quickly by an announcement. The cops were here to lead and cork the ride. We just need to tell them where we want to go… anywhere that is except the Gardiner.

To make a long story short. The cops did a good job, if you can ignore their presence to begin with, although the ride was too fast and too spread out. They will need some lessons. I did hear one cop mention to another the the clip we were going was great, a lot of ‘massers were peeling off the back and leaving. He did not look so happy 90 minutes later, he looked rather exhausted. They did spend some time looking for the leader of CM, I do not think they realized it was the officer they assigned to the front. So un-CM like. Will not be identifying him so he does not get in trouble with the CIA… yes they list CM as a domestic terrorist threat. I had a short conversation with the sergeant in charge and said he was more interested in everyone having fun and he was thinking about having ribs on the BBQ as soon as he got home. I told him that he should fill the paddy wagon with kegs for the next ride, he seemed pretty agreeable.

By the numbers, at the start, 29 bicycle officers, 2 bicycle paramedics and one paddy wagon. While the number of ‘massers did not appear at the start point it climbed to over 500 thrity minutes into the ride.

Regardless of how you felt being babysitted by the Toronto Police you have to hand them some very well deserved credit. They displayed a huge amount of maturity and showed the ability to change. It is high time those down at City Hall do the same and actually do something for cyclists. If the cops the ability to change so too should the politicians.

It is not time to gloat. Bike Pirates returned flyering to Toronto’s CM. More of you should consider the same to encourage more people to ride with us. The costumes were great, we need more. Now is the time to flourish.

PS. My ride was shortened as my co-pilot was hungry and we had to head to Quebec in the morning.

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